

Of all the different things I feel I keep coming to the same conclusions. Actually it’s not a conclusion and it’s nothing to do with a “conclusion” in the first place. This is just me trying as hard as I can not to state the face that I’m just jumping in to typing up a new piece I call “Dribble”. Do you think I’m gonna check this for spelling errors? Do you think I’m gonna take that sip of water that my body is craving? I’m not sure, but it would seem right that only the second instance would be as “highest likely” to be fulfilled. But I’m bored. Bored: as in I feel stuck in..well. I don’t wanna just sit here in wallow in my own bullcrap so the “legality soaked population” can dribble their basketball all over my body. “Come back to this when you wanna read nonsense”. Is that what they would say? At least as I clear my throat while thinking the thought “Oh how I pray that someone would read this”.


As I type this up on this inadequately arranged (I’m not gonna tell you because paranoia is strong suit) device. I keep having the same thoughts such as (in the most exaggerated as in [I’m not getting personal here]). Oh there I go trying to correct myself. Which reminds me of what I wanted to put about my high amount of thought on “staying clean” and “staying comfortable”. Little do I care if someone reads this (as I scratch my head, and then I scratch it some more); I have so, so many better things to worry about than you lousy amazing great sexy. I’ll just stop right there; oh how I do not wish to beat down on my own self-esteem and trigger my own socially awkward that goes to show on paper.


Life is a lesson; a journey. Me being able to start using semicolons because I feel so cool and with the mindset of “Oh! My English is so good! I’m the king of grammar! I know everything about it”. Of course partly the thought popped up of “I know everything”. And did I mention my horrible inclusion of the divine double-edged sword of sarcasm earlier. We all live with needs; like for example I have to go pee. But it could be for the better that I don’t at least for the moment. While I pump up this precious literature that the whole world is gonna read. And then they’re gonna delete this set for me violate some sort of “cookie” guideline that they told me about at the beginning of me opening back up this phony blog.


Well, well, well. “Phony” as in “I learned a lot from Holden Caulfield”. I can’t even go into speaking of Catcher in the Rye. But I will go into how my arm is sore from typing with one hand. And my body is currently crying out to me in pain and agony based on the headache I have from stress, being awake too long. Or it could potentially be the so-called tobacco I smoked somewhat earlier that tasted like literal feces when the smoke went into my mouth; it has happened before. Of course it has; being hooked on tobacco definitely has its downsides. Especially when you get hooked at a young age and it wraps around your mind like a candy wraps. But I digress; which I only put the term “I digress” there anyway because I wanted to sound cool. But I’m clocking out; goodbye.


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