
Showing posts from July, 2023

Dribble II

 1. Who are you? Do you understand me? I’m thirsty again. And not thirsty as in any provocative way. I’m thirsty as in I need a drink of water silly. And I gotta… Nevermind (the bollocks. Here’s the Sex Pistols). I just come to random general statements because I’m lonely and uh. Definitely not… Okay; I’m not explaining myself in deep detail. YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE IN DEEP DETAIL. Where was I? Oh yeah. But “oh yeah” doesn’t mean I actually came up with an idea. Because that would defeat (feet in my mouth) the purpose of this series being just meaningless nonetheless. Me just typing up random stuff for the hopes that’ll be world famous and throw dollar bills at the Eiffel Tower. “No-sir-ie”. Would that be the properly spelling of such slang? I’m not sure; but what I am sure about is that as a human being. I have lots of feelings and thoughts in my head that bring me to no conclusion. I have all these thoughts; urges; “inconsideracies”. I invent words like some sor


 1. Of all the different things I feel I keep coming to the same conclusions. Actually it’s not a conclusion and it’s nothing to do with a “conclusion” in the first place. This is just me trying as hard as I can not to state the face that I’m just jumping in to typing up a new piece I call “Dribble”. Do you think I’m gonna check this for spelling errors? Do you think I’m gonna take that sip of water that my body is craving? I’m not sure, but it would seem right that only the second instance would be as “highest likely” to be fulfilled. But I’m bored. Bored: as in I feel stuck in..well. I don’t wanna just sit here in wallow in my own bullcrap so the “legality soaked population” can dribble their basketball all over my body. “Come back to this when you wanna read nonsense”. Is that what they would say? At least as I clear my throat while thinking the thought “Oh how I pray that someone would read this”. 2. As I type this up on this inadequately arranged (I’m not gonna tell you because pa